The Future is Africa video is a great follow up to the What is Africa to Me assignment. If I were to guess Professor Kapano's motivations for juxtaposing these two works, one written and one digital; one from the past and one from the present, I think I'd say he wants to challenge our perceptions of the continent.
In the Western world, we are shown images of a land full of nature, deserts, and wildlife in documentaries. Our news stories paint pictures of violence, war, and natural disasters. Infomercials show starving people as victims of endless famine, and the infirmed suffering from debilitating diseases. We are never shown scenes of businesses, strong economies, technological advances, scientific pursuits, or anything beyond topless figures and tribal rituals. Africa is always presented to us as a continent that needs to be saved.
If we are to believe the narrative that is pushed, it's a place where nothing would survive without outside intervention. Countee Cullen spoke wistfully about the land and its people. The video shows pride and power, things that are always missing when we see images here in North America. I also think Professor Kapano wants to challenge us to see how perceptions shift when we tell our own stories, vs. having a story told to us, or how things appear based on the author(s) and the intended audience.